This is a story about Black Holes. (Ms. Lange, this story is dedicated to you because I know you would really like to become an astronaut) Enjoy!
The rocket soared up into the air.
Inside, a trembling Madelline sat. Her mission was to go inside of a black hole. "There's one!" she said, utterly terified. Would her suit really keep her from stretching apart?
Madelline knew that black holes were holes in the fabric of space and time that were so dense even light could not escape.
She was close to it now, so close-
Madelline blinked. She was in blinding light. Then she saw a circle, an escape hatch out of this great terror that led to-led to-led to what?
She couldn't remember, no, not now-
Madelline flew headfirst into the calm and peaceful quiet of the circle, an eye of a storm she would call it. Then gravity pulled her out so fast, faster than light-
Where was she?
Madelline was home, no doubt, but how-?
It was a dream. It had to be. Wait-there wasn't a bridge by her home! And what about the beach? Then she remembered that Black Holes led to Parallel Universes.
Think, Madelline, think.
The first dimension was a line, which would mean the 0 dimension would be a dot. Then you would have to square that to get the second dimension. Square it again, you would get the third dimension. And if you tried to square that again, you would get the fourth dimension which would be time. Square it AGAIN, you would get the fifth dimension, which would be space. Which would mean that a line would not be the shortest distance to travel.
Darn, that didn't help one bit.
Wait. If time and space were bendable...
She had to get out of here fast. Time had obviously stopped on Earth.
If Parallel Universes were basically possible outcomes, then she would have to make it exactly as it was.
She saw her teenage parents walking by as if they didn't know each other.
Madelline walked up to her father, and said, "That girl over there really likes you." That was no lie. Madelline's mother really liked her father when they hadn't met. So Madelline's father walked up to her mother and they talked. And then they kissed.
At that moment, Madelline flew back out of the black hole.
And she went back to Earth and told everyone about her adventures. No one believed her, but Madelline didn't care. She had experienced something no one else had in the history of mankind.
I hope you liked it, Ms. Lange! Comments below!
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