This is a story about the Great Adventure Siblings: Moony and Sunny, named after the moon and sun. Enjoy!
Moony was excited. He was going to his cousin's birthday party for goodness' sake! Sadly, he couldn't find a present for her.
Then their car was blown away by the wind.
Sunny looked up and saw a kind, good-smelling face. "Wind?" she asked. "Why, yes, I am one of the four winds. Sorry I picked you up. Would you like me to find you a present that your cousin would like?" Before the Great Adventure Siblings could ask about how Wind knew about the party, they were whisked away into Wind World, (WW, for short) a land in the clouds.
The siblings searched for a present until they found the wind blower. When blown, you could actually fly.
But then, in another room, they heard Wind talking about capturing them. So they used the wind blower to escape.
They made a magical wind blower of their own to blow away sadness and despair. And the other wind blower was given away to their cousin.
I hope you enjoyed my story. Bye!
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