Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Flower of Optimism

Listen, I know I've been writing poems every day. So now I will begin a fairytale I made up myself.

Based on the story of a four-leafed clover told usually on March 17

Every day in the world there was sadness. There was no rain, family members would die every second, there was a great famine every week-everything you could imagine.
One of the people to suffer was a girl named Becky. She tried her best to be optimistic. Meanwhile, underground the elf squad were searching for some optimism in the sad situation in the world.
God walked in to the elf squad's Room for Optimism Detection. "Is there any optimism that you detect?" "No," said an elf. "Wait...I think we've got a signal...from some girl named Becky." Suddenly this optimism activated a window from heaven to open. A spiritual flower grew from the ground as quickly as Jesus had flown off this earth. rained. Crops grew, and children and adults lived to a longer age. And if we stop being optimistic about sad situations that flower will die and the window from heaven will close.

I think this story gives a very important lesson. It teaches to be optimistic. is a new day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this flower of optimism is really good. God has given you a special gift for writing. That explains why you love to write so much. Keep on writing with a passion!
